Monday, May 18, 2009


1) I remember one from my primary school days.

A Chinese, a Malay and an Indian were on a plane about to crash. 
They have 4 seconds to jump out of the plane before it crashes.
They decided to count to three and jump out of the plane. 
However, only the Chinese survived. Why? 

Chinese: yi , er , san (out of the plane in 3 seconds)
Malay: sa-tu , du-a , CRASH!!  
Indian: on-ne , ren-ne , CRASH!

2) One day, in the plane .. a flight to London on AIR INDIA, there was an Indian man and a British man they were sitting beside each other so while on the flight ... the air stewardess started serving food but the Indian man, he brought his own food. He took out his own food .. Thosai, Rice, Chicken Curry and Mutton curry. The British man asked him " What is that? " the Indian man then replied " This is food India" Then the stewardess started serving drinks .. the Indian man took out his bottle of Lassi(yogurt drink) and started gulping it down, then the British man was curious and he asked "What is that ?" the Indian man replied and said "This is water India" . So after a few minutes everyone in the plane was relaxed .. the British man was sleeping and the Indian man was reading his newspaper .. SUDDENLY the Indian man farted .. the British man startled and he woke up and he asked the Indian man "WHAT WAS THAT !?" the Indian man replied and said " That is Air India"

3) There was a chinese man from China and also another chinese man but from Malaysia standing at a pond. The chinese man from China was standing there and told the chinese man from Malaysia, that if you skip a rock across the pond it will tell you one of you greatest ancestors. So, the chinese man from China skipped a rock across and the pond said, "Ching-Chang-Chee." The chinese man from China said that it was his great uncle. So the chinese man from Malaysia said, "let me try." So he skipped the rock and the pond said, "Chim-Pan-Zee". 

AHHH..I got nothing to some joke lo 

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